Review: Green Day – Oh Love

Billie Joe Armstrong
has impeccable taste in music. Once upon a time that translated into excellent music of his own. These days, it does not. While Green Day’s early years as Buzzcocks torch bearers earned the band plenty of cred (and commercial success). More recently, a series of mediocre records have earned them the ire of countless used-to-be-fans. The last album, 21st Century Breakdown was an honourable but ultimately misguided attempt to emulate The Who’s rock opera, Tommy. On new single, ‘Oh Love’, from the forthcoming Uno, Armstrong’s ambition and record collection have got the better of him once again. ‘Oh Love’ aims for the feel good power pop of The Raspberries or Todd Rundgren, but never really gets there. The reason is simple. The best power pop songs are formulaic, sure. But you never really notice that because the chorus or guitar sounds (often both) are so mind-numbingly infectious. However, there’s nothing here to distract you from the fact that ‘Oh Love’ is distinctly average. The sparkly power chords are there, the sweet kindergarten chorus is there, but the magic is not. Instantly forgettable.

See also: Review: Green Day – Uno!

See also our review of Uno!

Were we too harsh? What do you think of Oh Love? Let us know.

9 responses to “Review: Green Day – Oh Love

  1. David maybe you should listen to Fun’s “Some Nights” before you start attacking the music on the radio. It’s a great song

  2. Totally disagree I am afraid. American Idiot was actually their “tommy” not 21st Century breakdown, and oh love is just as catchy as their old stuff, even more so when you listen to it a couple of times.

    • Thanks for joining the discussion Lauren. Glad you like the song, even if we don’t. To be fair, you are right about American Idiot being considered the band’s Tommy. Although 21st Century Breakdown is also a rock opera, and so the “Tommy” tag can still apply. Perhaps Quadrophenia would’ve been a better reference point.

  3. I think the song is a decent first single, especially since they’re releasing 3 albums.. they’re suppose to be doing 3 singles for UNO? So obviously the best isn’t going to be shown first.. that would be a stupid marketing strategy. The whole point of making this the first single is to get the attention of people before releasing their crown jewl Boulevard Of Broken Dreams/ 21 Guns type song. and if you watched any of the trailers for the albums they sound rather nice and have a rock and roll vibe too them!
    Also check out this out, i think it’s going to be their next big hit..

  4. I’m disappointed in this song. Yes it is a bit like their old songs, but come on! Have you seen the video premiere? It’s sad. A bunch of old – talented until this song- men, letting barely dressed women rub themselves all over ’em? One reason I liked Green Day so much was because of the lyrical meanings they had, the messages they gave! Now it looks like they want to be rolling stones. I loved the Let yourself go video. This song wouldn’t have been to much of a shame, had it not been for the video they are releasing with it.

    Once a fan. Hmm, sounds a bit like me if they keep going down this path.

  5. Pingback: Review: Green Day – Uno! | One Chord To Another·

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