Review: Green Day – Uno!

The first release from an upcoming trilogy, Uno! couples power pop with Green Day’s usual punk influences. As an album, it’s utterly disposable. But in a good way.

Pedestrian first single “Oh Love” was a good indication of where the band were headed. Luckily it’s also the weakest track on Uno!. By comparison, the rest of Uno! is imbued with a genuine sense of enthusiasm. The excellent, “Kill The DJ”, channels The Smiths’ Panic: someone kill the DJ, shoot the fucking DJ.” Meanwhile “Troublemaker” is straight up 60s garage, complete with handclaps and clangy mod guitar. The highlight is the nostalgic one-two punch of “Sweet 16” and “Rusty James”.

One final thing: There’s been a hell of a lot said about Uno! being a return to the heights of Dookie era Green Day. Unfortuntately, it’s not. Sure, Uno! is a focused pop punk album, but there’s still nothing on Uno! as good as “Longview” or “When I Come Around”. In fact, the lack of a couple stand outs is the album’s biggest downfall. Hopefully, that will be rectified come companion pieces, Dos! and Tre! (as in Tre Cool). In the meantime, there’s enough here to suggest Green Day have still got it.

3 and a half stars

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  1. Pingback: Review: Green Day – Oh Love | One Chord To Another·

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