Album Round Up ft. The xx, The Vaccines, Two Door Cinema Club, Cat Power

It’s been an immense couple weeks in the indie music world with some hotly anticipated releases finally out for us to hear (legally). Here’s what are our thoughts on a few of them.

The xx – Coexist

The only thing we have to say is go and listen to this yourself. Seriously. We could wax lyrical about how damn good it is, like we did with ‘Angels’ and ‘Chained’ but you probably get the point by now. Instead, just go here.

The Vaccines – The Vaccines Come of Age

Ignore the title, nothing much has changed. Which is a good thing if you liked their debut (we did!). The songs are little longer but the hooks are intact. ‘I Always Knew’ gallops along gleefully and ‘I Wish I Was A Girl’ has loads of swing and swagger. The single, Teenage Icon’ is still a bit “meh” though.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon

Lost in the race to the UK album top spot to the record above. Make of that what you will. Middle of the road lead single ‘Sleep Alone’ pales in comparison to opener ‘Next Year’. As for the album as a whole, it’s a consistent set of indie pop songs, though it mightn’t grab you the way Tourist History did.

Cat Power – Sun

Poptastic. A super strong collection of tunes and Marshall still sounds sexy as hell. ‘Ruin’ is majestic and ‘3,6,9’ could be huge with a club remix. Meanwhile, the stompin’ ‘Silent Machine’ takes cues from The Black Keys. No messing about, this is exceptional.


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