Review: The Vaccines – Teenage Icon

‘Teenage Icon’ is the latest cut from The Vaccines’ audaciously titled second album, The Vaccines Come Of AgeAlongside ‘No Hope’, which was released last month, ‘Teenage Iconretreads similar ground to the feel good bubblegum punk heard on their debut, What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?. The chorus is typically anthemic, and there are the obligatory “woahs” and “ohhhs” we’ve come to expect from the London indie rockers. However, there are no real surprises here and eventually, what was once fresh and charming, will become tedious. This’ll do for now fellas, but you’d better have more tricks up your sleeve.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the new track! Do you love The Vaccines or are they overrated? 

3 responses to “Review: The Vaccines – Teenage Icon

  1. Pingback: Album Round Up ft. The xx, The Vaccines, Two Door Cinema Club, Cat Power | One Chord To Another·

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