Review: Tim Rogers – Go On Out, Get Back Home

It’s difficult to imagine an Australian music scene without Tim Rogers. The windmilling renaissance man is one of the few constants in an otherwise ever changing musical landscape. After recent work with The Bamboos and ventures into theatre, new single ‘Go On Out, Get Back Home’ sees him back in a more familiar guise – all by his lonesome. Many will remember his first solo album, the cleverly titled What Rhymes With Cars And Girls. Released near the peak of You Am I’s powers in the late 90s, the 11 song set confirmed what the converted had already known for almost a decade. Bravado aside, here was a honest, endearing and often hilarious singer-songwriter. Since the “glory days”, Rogers has continued to remind us of that talent, if not somewhat sporadically. ‘Go On Out, Get Back Home’ is one of those reminders. It’s understated, warm and sits somewhere between the country shuffle of What Rhymes With Cars and the lush sounds of the last You Am I long player. Meanwhile the pleading coda sees Rogers singing as well as ever. Who needs new tricks when the old ones are this good?

Tim Rogers’ forthcoming solo album, Rogers Sings Rogerstein, is out August 24.

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